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Let me say it again…and again…and again… by Daniel Williams

One of the common themes in the book of Philippians is REJOICING IN THE LORD. How do I know that? Because Paul mentions the word “rejoice” 7 times in this short, little letter! He uses repetition to make a point and has no problem repeating himself so that the listener would understand him. 

Phil 3:1 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.

Paul isn’t the only one who repeats himself in the Bible:

The apostle Peter wrote 2 letters to the church, and in the second letter he states the importance of reminding people some of the same truths they already knew and he had already written them about.

2 Peter 1:12-13 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder,

Jude writes “Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it” and in a similar way, repeats some of the same truths to his listeners. 

And even Jesus repeats certain themes and concepts over and over again as He taught people here on earth. For example, Jesus talked about money a lot and repeated this theme several different times in serval different ways to make the same point: Live for God and not money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. 

So, what’s the deal with all this repeating? 

I think part of repeating yourself is that you want others to absorb what you are saying. We see this play out in parenting. As a parent with younger kids, you find yourself saying some of the same words and concepts over and over again because you want your children to learn. For example, you may say “NO!” 100 times a day so your toddler understands that they shouldn’t do something. Or you may repeat the word “Daddy” 100 times a day to your newborn baby. You know that repeating the word will eventually result in your baby understanding the meaning, repeating it, and ultimately identifying you as their Daddy!

When we repeat something, is shows that it is important. 

As I have been pastoring Redemption Church I have found myself repeating certain truths and sayings as well. For example, our mission is to pursue and proclaim Jesus. We say this a lot at our church :) And you know what? It is no bother for me to repeat it! Why? Because it is important to me as the leader to know that people understand it. I want us to stay focused as a community, I want to be unified in what we are doing as we gather together, and I want ever one to know our purpose as a church. So we repeat this short saying over and over again.

Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 

What are you repeating? 

You may want to pay attention to the words and sayings you are repeating because Jesus told us that out of our heart, our mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Our words can give us insight into what we really value and what we believe. Are your words wholesome, pure, and lovely? Are there common themes that you talk about? Are the words you are repeating biblical and full of grace? 

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. -Eph 4:29

Repeat words of life!

I want to encourage you to repeat yourself. Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” It is good to pray for people over and over again and you aren’t wasting your breath. It is good to memorize certain scriptures that minister to you, even if it takes saying it over and over again. It is good preaching the gospel of Jesus over and over again to a world that needs it so desperately. It is good to repeat ourselves over and over again with the things we value —things that bring us life from God’s Word. 

Don't feel bad for repeating yourself!

Just make sure that whatever you are repeating is bringing others value and is full of grace and truth. This is why I make it my goal to repeat myself as a preacher and continually point people to Jesus. There is nothing greater than pointing others to Jesus, and I have no problem repeating myself and repeating His gospel that gives life! My prayer is that, as a church family, we beat the same drum of JESUS and His gospel. I pray that we would never get tired of repeating ourselves in this way. I pray that Jesus is always on our lips, and that He is always the person we preach because we VALUE Him. Because what we we repeat is what we want our listeners to learn. So may we lift up the name of Jesus over and over and over again…it is no bother!


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7 Lessons Learned from Missions in Mexico by Julie Ruse

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Julie is a missionary sent out by Redemption Church in June of 2017. Julie has been serving at the House of Blessing Orphanage in Bachiniva, Mexico and will be returning there to finish out a year-long internship. We are very encouraged and privileged to be partnering with Julie as her sending church and seeing how God is continuing to work in and through her journey on the mission field in Mexico. Take a few minutes to read and learn from some of the wonderful things Jesus has been doing in her life this Summer as she shares from her heart in the blog below:

1)  Tres Leches is NOT a Mexican dessert.

Poof- mind blown. Turns out it’s actually a Nicaraguan dish.

2)  It seems like Cinco de Mayo is celebrated more in America than in Mexico. 

Another shocker to me- be careful what you assume!

3)  Sometimes God leads us to serve, not so he can help others through us, but so he can help us through others. 

Thanks, Alesha for sharing this truth nugget so many months ago! I do feel that the summer in Mexico was a season more characterized by God ministering to me than me ministering to children. Ethel Percy Andrus articulates, “The human contribution is the essential ingredient. It is only in the giving of oneself to others that we truly live.” As Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” I thank God for having needy people in my life, recipients for me to love and serve and, therefore, to be blessed by.

4)  Feeling ‘filled up’ is not a prerequisite to serving. The act of giving out is, in itself, filling.

Though similar to the previous point, I have Angie to thank for this revelation. Isn’t it wonderful how God speaks to us through his body, the church? I definitely experienced that in Mexico- shoutout to the Redemption Church family! Anyway, brace yourselves because this is about to get personal. A couple months before the orphanage internship, my boyfriend ended our relationship. This rocked my world. I wondered how I was going to minister to others when I felt empty, like I had nothing to give. I wondered how ministry was possible when I didn’t have a stockpile of joy, wisdom, hope and faith, at the moment, to draw from. This experience really fleshed out God’s promise found in 2 Corinthians, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

5)  Hard Bad

My stance on suffering is continuing to evolve. The lessons learned in that area would require a whole other blog (stay tuned), but in brief, our suffering is not meaningless. Paul confides that the ‘thorn in my flesh’ kept him humble. Solomon (wisest man ever) remarked that sadness is sanctifying (Ecc 7:3). In the sermon on the mount Jesus said, “Blessed are those who mourn…” The brokenhearted get to experience a special nearness to God (Psalm 34:18). And listen to this from the book of Job: “But by means of their suffering, he [God] rescues those who suffer. For he gets their attention through adversity.” That one hit me. Naturally, we humans attempt to avoid pain, but is pain a problem? We know it’s a promise (John 16:33). 1 Peter 4:1 says, “So then, since Christ suffered physical pain, you must arm yourselves with the same attitude he had, and be ready to suffer, too…” Do we expect God to protect us from pain? Do we doubt his goodness or his existence when he doesn’t? Listen to the second part of the verse, “For if you have suffered physically for Christ, you have finished with sin. You won’t spend the rest of your lives chasing your own desires, but you will be anxious to do the will of God.” Is it worth it to you? Does the surpassing joy of knowing Christ outweigh every loss?

6)  Purity is a process.

My imperfections can be overwhelming at times, and then the devil likes to ride through on the shame train (don’t jump on that train).  But battle after battle, issue after issue, God is perfecting me. Oh sweet victory; I’m becoming more and more free! Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” This nods back to the #4 point- don’t wait until you’re perfect to serve because that won’t happen until the end of the world! God spoke to me about the PROCESS of sanctification through Deuteronomy 7:22-32a which says, “The Lord your God will drive those nations out ahead of you little by little. You will not clear them away all at once, otherwise the wild animals would multiply too quickly for you. But the Lord your God will hand them over to you.” So rest assured that God’s got you and he knows what’s up. He knows you completely and is still in love with you. He’s in the process of making you holy, but until that work is complete, his grace covers you. Jesus is your righteousness. Rest in him.

7)  God is the Dream Giver and Dream Fulfiller. 

I heard the phrase ‘Dream Giver’ while watching Disney’s Pocahontas, not gonna lie, and thought there was something beautifully poetic about that title. Then I came to realize that that’s who my God is, both in biblical accounts and in my own life. God knows us better than we know ourselves. I was blown away in Mexico watching the Dream Giver fulfill dreams he’d planted in my heart long ago. I was reading through old journals and came across an entry where I had articulated my life goals in two statements: 1) Impact lives through design and 2) Minister to orphans/ children in need. I had forgotten I’d written these and never imagined how God would weave both dreams into one beautiful design. For those who don’t know, I’ll be staying on at the orphanage to do graphic design/ marketing stuff and admin support. Be encouraged that we serve a big God who is able and active. I’ll close with Ephesians 3:20-21. “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.”

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CONVERSATIONS | with Pastor Casey Cleveland

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Pastor Daniel talks with his friend and fellow local pastor Casey Cleveland from The Avenue Church in Delray Beach, sharing what it means to serve and love the city of Delray Beach and the encouragement they are to each other as they plough and labor together with their church communities to impact the city for Jesus. Casey describes his approach in the words of another Christian leader, Dr. Paul Tripp: “Love, Know, Speak, Do.” These are the four key steps in reaching the people where God has sent you. “What are the hopes and the hurts and the wishes of your city?” Loving your community begins by being a faithful presence in good times and bad, getting to know personally who these people are, sharing the gospel in a way that is relevant to them and inviting them to be a part of God’s family. Why is it important to love the city where you live? What does it look like and how do we take practical steps to make this a part of our lives? Take a listen.

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A Great Partnership | The House of Blessing

Many of you have read about the House of Blessing (HOB) Orphanage either in posts from our past church missions trips, blogs from the orphanage director, Jason Sanchez, or in our e-bulletins. Redemption Church has worked closely with HOB since it was founded nearly 5 years ago. Jason and his wife, Jackie, moved to Bachiniva, Mexico with their daughter Ayantu in 2012 to build and start an orphanage in the mountains. They have been faithful to serve and care for up to 19 children at a time and have seen God do amazing things in the lives of these children, their families, and the community there. We have taken 3 missions trip as a church to visit and serve at the orphanage as well as sponsoring them monthly. To learn more about the House of Blessing Orphanage, CLICK HERE.

We are thrilled to be sending our first short-term missionary to serve at the House of Blessing orphanage for a 3-month internship beginning in June! Meet Julie Ruse!

Julie has been a part of Redemption Church since Summer of 2016, and she has had a desire to serve at an orphanage for some time. The Lord has been directing and leading Julie to commit to a short-term mission to serve the staff and children at the House of Blessing. She will serve as one of the female staff at the orphanage helping to care for the girls, help them with getting ready for school, homework, cleaning and laundry (which is a BIG job when there are so many children!), various special projects, and wherever else the Lord allows.

We would love you to join us in praying for Julie as she prepares to drive across the country in May to see her family in Colorado then heads south of the border in June! She would love to have your prayers for safety, health, spiritual protection and encouragement, and for the Lord to use her in wonderful ways while she is there!

Would you also consider donating to help provide the necessary funds for Julie to serve in this special way? This is a great opportunity to participate in what God wants to do at the House of Blessing through Julie’s time there, and we want as many people as possible to be able to take part in what God is doing!

You can CLICK HERE to make a one-time donation toward her living cost while she is in Mexico or send a check (with “Julie” in the Memo) to:

Redemption Church Delray Beach

PO Box 832039 335 East Linton Blvd.

Delray Beach, FL 33483

You can read an excerpt from Julie’s support letter below as well! 

Excerpt from Julie’s support letter:

    Through a series of miraculous events, God has paved a way for me to go to Mexico this summer (June, July and August) to live/ serve at the House of Blessing orphanage in Bachiniva. The orphanage was started by an American family almost five years ago, and today they (along with staff and volunteers) care for 15 children. You can learn more at My wonderful church, Redemption Church of Delray Beach, has been helping support the orphanage financially and has sent short term mission teams, but I will be the first “intern” they’ve directly supported. Basically I’ll be joining everyday life there: helping kids get ready for school, doing hair, cleaning, laundry (they do about 20 loads per week), and generally loving on people in Jesus’ name. 

    Internet will be available so I’ll be keeping ya’ll updated on happenings and prayer requests through facebook. My mailing address will be 7101 N Mesa St #283, El Paso, TX 79912.  If interested in supporting me financially, you can give online or by mail. (SEE LINKS AND INFO IN BLOG ABOVE) Thanks for the impact each of you have already made on my life. I’m excited for what lies ahead and to witness God’s mighty hand. 

Peace and blessings,


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Sin Is Great, But Jesus' Grace Is Stronger

In Numbers 32:23, Moses reminds the children of Israel (as they begin preparing to enter the promise land across the Jordan) that sin is not taken lightly. He sternly reminds them that “your sin WILL find you out.”

And it’s true.

So often we think we can hide our sin.
Or that it wasn’t a big deal.
It was so small...
We shouldn’t need to repent over that.
Should we?

Moses reminds them that God’s standard is perfection. Jesus echoes these truths when He tells us that:

"Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” -Luke 12:1-3

Sin is a big deal.

But the story doesn’t end there.
Our failure is all too obvious.
Our need is extremely great.
But so is God’s grace.

In the end of the next chapter Moses then reminds them of the punishment for sin:

“But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then those of them whom you let remain shall be as barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall trouble you in the land where you dwell.” -Numbers 33:55

Sin does find us out, and there is a punishment for it. Romans 3:23 tells us that the wages (payment) of our sin is death.

Moses has clearly laid out our natural reality:

We sin.
Our sin will find us out.
We will be punished justly for our sin.

But as Billy Graham has put it:

“You’re born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there’s a loophole."

This “loophole” is God’s payment for our sin.

Our sin is great. And our punishment HAS to be paid, or else God is unjust. But rather than us paying it ourselves, God Himself (Jesus) offers to pay our debt instead.

So rather than us receiving the “barbs in our eyes” and the “thorns in our sides” as our rightful punishment, Jesus instead has chosen to take the crown of thorns upon His head, and to have His side pierced for our transgressions.

"But he (Jesus) was pierced for our transgressions;
he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace,
and with his wounds we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5

Every sin requires penalty.
Requires justice.

But now, you and I can celebrate that Jesus’ death has not only brought us a clean slate, but renewed life! Our sin separated us from God and now we can come before Him, not only justified, but to ask for abundant life! The penalty of our sin has been paid for, so now we can come to God for His Spirit and for the strength to break the power of sin over our lives. We can come to Him for hope that every “sin and weight that entangles us” can be overcome by His grace.

So may you not only have a paid bill, a clean slate, and a “free ticket” to heaven, but may you take ahold of this new relationship with God that brings you freedom! May you no longer be a “slave to sin” but a “slave to righteousness”, and may you enjoy the abounding love, grace, and relationship with God that comes with it.

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A Love For God That Is Irresistible To Others by Bryan Henderson

To understand what it might look like for us, children of God by faith, to cultivate an infectious love for Jesus we must break down and simplify this powerful exhortation into everyday terms.

Cultivation carries with it the language of preparation. Some synonyms for this word: till, plough, dig, turn, hoe, farm and work. This word is a verb or an action word and it would seem that the action is being carried out by us towards the object, Jesus.

Though there is certainly a measure of our responsibility to act in a loving way towards Jesus, the action starts far further back and is far more foundational than this.

God, who is rich in mercy, has lavished His love on us through the person and work of Jesus. The best way we can prepare ourselves to have a love for Jesus is to daily dwell and meditate on the love God has bestowed on us in Christ!

The bible tells us, “We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). Love would not even be possible had Jesus not displayed and placed His love on us. Foundational for us to respond in our action towards God with an obedient love is remembering and receiving His gracious love on a constant basis.

As we recall and preach this good news to our hearts, we then willingly choose to surrender more of our lives into His loving care. Others will see our infectious love for God only when we grasp the beauty and severity of His radical love for us.

In light of us being loved and made new in Christ, we boldly and enthusiastically live this in such a way that others see it, yearn for it, receive it, and glorify the Father in heaven. His love for us and our experiencing it should revive our hearts and it naturally flows out of us for others!

Practically speaking, I cannot experience God’s love for me which then flows out towards others if I do not draw near to Him and meditate on His goodness and love towards me. I must daily seize the truths of the gospel, and the best way to do this is to ground myself in the scriptures which are laden with gospel identity truths that rejoice the heart!

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Practical Ways To Share Your Faith by Daniel Williams

I know a lot of people that struggle with knowing HOW to share the gospel and their faith with others. I think we all go through this from time to time, but I want to encourage you and let you know that this can be a lot easier then you think! Below, you can read through 3 simple things that will make sharing your faith a more natural part of your life.

Love Jesus

The things that bring us satisfaction and joy are the easiest to share. When I find an amazing restaurant, I want to let people know about. I want my friends to experience the joy and delight of having a great experience and incredible food. I may even go so far to take them out to that restaurant with me and buy their dinner just so we both can experience it together. So as you are enjoying Jesus in your relationship with Him, it can actually become easier to share Him and your experience with Him with others…it is a natural overflow because you want that same experience for others. This is why love is a key component in sharing our faith. When we are pursuing Jesus and in love with Him, it is easier to proclaim Him and His gospel. 

-What would your life look like if you were completely in love with Jesus? How would this allow you to proclaim Jesus and His gospel differently?

Walk In Wisdom

Although proclaiming Jesus and gospel should be an overflow of our hearts, we should still have wisdom in how we share the gospel. Col 4:5-6 says, “Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.”

There is only one gospel, but it is important for us to understand that everyone is different and people respond to different approaches. This is where it takes wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit to share the gospel with each person as He leads us. The great evangelist, Greg Laurie, says, “When we go fishing for men, we need to realize that what works for one does not necessarily work for another.”  So, there are many approaches and ways to share our faith, and we need to ask God for wisdom in doing so. James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.”

Learn From Others

One of the ways we can gain wisdom is by learning from others. Are there people in your life that you can learn from? Wouldn’t it be wise to ask them to teach you how to evangelize? Another great way we can learn from others is by reading books people have written about this subject. There are so many great books on evangelism and I would suggest that you invest your time and resources in buying a few books to grow in this area. I have gained so much insight on this subject and many others in the Christian faith by simply reading great books from others.  Here are a two suggestions for you that are easy reads and very practical: 

-G3/Tactical Guide (click here) 
-Passion for the Gospel Practical Help on How to Share Your Faith by Greg & Chuck Swindoll Laurie (click here) 

Proclaim Jesus This Week

One of the best ways to learn how to share your faith is by actually doing it! Take some time this week to pray and ask God to open some doors for you to share the gospel and proclaim Jesus. You may not know everything about the Christian faith, but that is ok…the simple truths of the gospel are enough for it has the power to save! (Rom 1:16-17) Be all about proclaiming Jesus to others, and don’t get side tracked or scared with all the other things you don’t know right now. Jesus is more then enough for people! Just as Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:1-2, “And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” 

May we continue to pursue and proclaim Jesus!

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Meals As Ministry (pt3) by Daniel Williams

Meals open doors for God to work in and through our relationships with others, and we have been looking at specific ways we can see this at work! Today, we will look at 2 areas we can see in the Bible where God uses meals as an opportunity to serve and teach one another.

Meals are an opportunity to CELEBRATE

Culturally, we celebrate things with meals and food. Not only big holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, but most special occasions tend to incorporate food. Jesus celebrated with people because the gospel was good. Christians should be celebrating as well and should be throwing the best parties because we have the best reason to rejoice! Our salvation! Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us, He is for us…so we should continually be excited and thankful!

Luke 5:27-29 says, “After this He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax    booth. And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’ And leaving everything, he rose and followed Him. And Levi made Him a great feast in his house, and there was a large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them.”

Invite people over to a party and celebrate God’s goodness! 

Deuteronomy 14:26 says, “And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household.”

When we have people in our homes, it allows people to see what our lives are like. The kids arguing or making a mess is part of real life! People can see that we don’t celebrate because we have everything together, but because God is so good and we rejoice in HIS goodness!

Meals are an opportunity to CARE FOR PEOPLE

Sometimes, we can forget that there are people in need of something as basic as food. We know it is a problem in the world, but we can forget how much providing a simple dinner for someone can make a difference for them. John wrote in 1 John 3:17-18, “But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” 

Opening your home to people not only meets a physical need, but can also meet the even more important emotional need to feel loved and accepted. There is nothing worse than feeling out of place or unwelcome. When we open up our homes and our lives to people and make them feel at home there, they feel it. People know when they are truly welcome in your home and loved.

Hospitality is a very big deal for Christians, because LOVING PEOPLE is a very big deal! 

Romans 12:13 says, “Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.”  Being hospitable is even a requirement for elders in the church. We should be looking for opportunities to show hospitality to people! And watch how the Lord uses these times to show His love and mercy to people through you. You may not see the impact in that moment, but you can be sure that God will use it!

So, let me challenge you to ask God what opportunities you have to use meals to show His love to someone. Look for ways that you can share COMMUNITY and CONVERSATION (see part 2 of this series) with someone, CELEBRATE the goodness of God by having a gathering, and genuinely CARE FOR SOMEONE in need through hospitality. God will use you!

-Pastor Daniel

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Meals As Ministry (pt2) by Daniel Williams

In Part 1 of this series, we talked about how using mealtimes as an opportunity to encourage someone is something we can all do! In the following post, you can read about several important ways that the Bible helps us view even our meals as opportunities for the gospel and discipleship.

Meals are an opportunity for COMMUNITY

Community is a real need that we all have. Having been made in the image of our triune God, we can see that God designed us to need one another and to meet this need through His people. We were made for community!

Genuine community takes time. 

Relationships with people do not develop without time and effort. Welcoming a person into our day, listening and sharing experiences—each of these things build on each other to create a friendship. Jesus did not only teach his disciples from messages—he traveled with them, ate with them, and shared experiences with them. Jesus is our perfect example of how we can use every opportunity to demonstrate the love and truth of God. 

Building friendship and establishing a sense of community will happen one step at a time. Even if it feels awkward in the beginning, every relationship has this stage of establishing common interests, getting to know the other person better, and finally feeling a sense of community and comfort with one another.

Remember that when we give our time, we show people that we love them. When a person feels loved by you, they will be much more open to allowing you to speak into their lives, and this will open doors for ministry to take place where it may not have before. 

Meals are an opportunity for CONVERSATION

Meals force us to be people oriented rather than task oriented. Sitting and eating with one another is an opportunity that we have to be still and have conversation. When we can no longer hide behind a project or busyness, we expose who we are in our conversation. We know that out of the heart, the mouth speaks which allows us to really get to know people through conversation. 

Let God fill your conversations.

God can use our conversations to help demonstrate His heart for people and encourage them. Proverbs 16:24 says, “Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” So, consider meals as an opportunity to love people with your words. Speak about the goodness of God. Bring up the promises of the Bible. Mention how you are seeing God at work in your own life. We are bombarded constantly with the lies and half-truths the world offers; we need to be hearing the truth of God more! 

So, remember to pray beforehand, that God will prepare you to speak His words during your time together! Once you begin to view meals as a way to be used by Jesus, you will be much more intentional about doing it! Look for Part 3 of this series for a few more ways to view mealtimes as opportunities for ministry.

-Pastor Daniel

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Love On Display by Travis Sinks

Our Mission

At Redemption Church, our mission is to Pursue & Proclaim Jesus. We accomplish this through our four main focuses: Sunday Mornings, Community Groups, Leadership Development, and Outreach. Everything we do as a church comes from one of these main sections. We desire to gather together on Sundays to worship and hear the public proclamation of God’s Word, we gather together in Community Groups to encourage, and pray for each other, while also living life together through each other’s joys and struggles. We also desire to specifically build up people in the church who are called lead in larger capacity at Redemption Church by focusing on Leadership Development. Each of these three things are meant to build up and encourage the current Christians that gather together at Redemption Church Delray Beach.

However, God has called us to not only build up each other, but to reach outside our four walls and show the love of Jesus to our local community and all those we come into contact with. We do this through Outreach. Sometimes this means that we host a booth during a city event, other times we run shoe drives, or help the local food kitchen, but it’s not limited to organized group events. Outreach is also a daily activity that every Christian should be engaging in. Paul teaches that we are ambassadors for Christ in our everyday life, and therefore, we never “clock out” of our Christian life (2 Corinthians 5:20).

One way we, as a church, will be equipping ourselves to show the love of Christ to people throughout our day is through our new “Love On Display” cards.

As a Christian, we should be living lives that cause people to ask: “Why?”. People should wonder why we would desire to help them when they can’t pay for their groceries or why we would comfort them when they are obviously having a hard day or why we would go out of our way to help them when their car is on the side of the road. However, sometimes, we can’t always find the words to share why we do what we do, or maybe there’s no time to. We want to help reach out to our community through our actions of love, and we want them to know why.

These cards simply say that Jesus has come to give us life, and life abundantly. The back of the card tells the reader that your act of love towards them was to remind them that Jesus loves them, that He has a great plan for their life, and that He desires them to know HIm. The cards also direct readers to visit "”. This webpage explains the Gospel and invites them to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

We desire for Delray Beach to be one of the most well loved cities in the world because we are a people who have been saved and redeemed by Jesus, Who first loved us, and we want the people of Delray Beach to have the opportunity to know Him as well.

So please, keep some cards on you and be looking for opportunities to love the people around you. God has prepared good works for you in advance that you might walk in them, so enjoy the supernatural opportunities God provides for you to love people in your very normal, daily situations.

-Pastor Travis

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