Redemption Church Delray Beach

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CONVERSATIONS | with Pastor Chuck Lind

Pastor Daniel talks with his pastor and mentor, Chuck Lind, who is now retired as senior pastor from Calvary Chapel in Olympia, Washington. Retirement for Chuck is probably not what you’re thinking! Currently Chuck is leading a weekly Bible study for seniors, a bi-weekly study for younger guys, one for older guys, preaching on an as-needed basis for Calvary Chapel pastors all over Washington state, mentoring a group of young professional men in his home, and volunteering at a local elementary school. How do you pursue and proclaim Jesus in retirement? What does the Bible tell us about retirement and what we should be doing? Chuck describes a key to the transition from a full-time vocation to retirement. Your identity is not what you do, it is your relationship with the Lord. “My identity is that I’m a follower of Jesus, and so I can do that anywhere.” Though you may not have the energy you used to have, you have access. Most of us have grandchildren. Chuck does a weekly Bible study with his grandsons where they go through the Bible and just talk about it. He answers their questions. “I get to spend time with them, telling them stuff that I’ve learned over the years.”  As a retired person, you have the ability to spend time in prayer for other people. You can go visit people in nursing homes. There is a great need in this area. What about pouring into the younger generation? Chuck talks about ways to make an impact. It can be challenging reaching the younger generation because sometimes they just don’t want to listen. See if there’s a place you can help with the youth group in your church, where you can invest in a small group of young people. The Bible values the wisdom of the older generation. Do you have any advice for the younger generation? Chuck suggests finding an older man or woman to talk with. Even once a month, talk with them about what you’re going through. Ask them about their life and the things they experienced and the lessons they have learned. What advice would Chuck give to his younger self, from his vantage point now as an older person? “I would listen more to what people had to say…Maybe not thinking I knew what was what best for everybody instead of just steering them to the Lord. Being patient with people and just love them.” What about some final advice for those in retirement? “Ask the Lord to show you places you can be used. Even if you have to sit and wait for awhile.” Try things and see if they work. We are supposed to be busy. We were created to be busy. Basically, we’re just looking for opportunities where people can see our good works and glorify God. And it’s way better than sitting home watching TV. 

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CONVERSATIONS | with Pastor Chuck Lind Hosted by Pastor Daniel Williams