Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Celebrating and Supporting Proclaim Church

At Redemption Church, we are consistently looking for ways to share the love of Jesus with our community. One way we have had the privilege of participating in God's work here in Palm Beach County has been through our relationship with Will and Kristan Torres as they have been preparing to launch Proclaim Church in Boynton Beach this Fall. We are excited for the vision God has given them to bring the hope and love of Jesus to the lost.

Will and Kristan have completed a year-long church planting residency at Redemption Church, and we are honored to be supporting and celebrating them as they launch Proclaim Church.

In June, Proclaim Church launched their weekly Sunday gatherings at the Torres's home where Will has been sharing the vision and mission of this new work. In the Fall, they plan to launch publicly with Sunday services. Join us in praying for this season as they seek God's direction and guidance in reaching the lost in Boynton Beach.

You can also pray for and/or attend GOD & ANXIETY, an event hosted by Kristan and Hope Christian Counseling. This is a unique opportunity for Will and Kristan to serve and love people in a practical way. God has used Kristan's background as a mental health therapist to open doors to share the gospel, and we are praying God uses this event to bring people to Jesus!

It is a joy to see Jesus at work in our area, and we are praying He continues to send more laborers to share the gospel here in Palm Beach County. As a church, we are praying for more opportunities to raise up and support church planters whose heart is to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost. I pray you are encouraged to continue to pray for Proclaim Church, Redemption Church, and all those who are seeking to pursue and proclaim Jesus in our area!

Be blessed,

Pastor Daniel