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There is so much unknown right now. And in a sense, the unknown has always been there…is always there. Because really, how can we foresee tomorrow?

But right now it’s the scary unknown…
Right now it’s the unknown where any seemingly good outcomes are quickly looking less likely.
Right now it’s the unknown where you begin to question everything you’ve known and believed.
Right now it’s the unknown where you realize that faith isn’t a word and instead is simply hard.
And right now the days are pressing close together and adding up quickly without anything coming to light.

When the unknowns start to permeate every corner of your heart and life, the lines between truth and lie can become blurred with the tears and the fears.

So today I’m making a list of what I know is true and holding tight to those things when everything else seems to be falling. Because when your life is filled with unknowns and unanswered questions you have to hold fast to what you know for sure.

I know for sure…
…that God is on the throne…
…that He is good…
…and that He loves me.

I know for sure that He has all authority in heaven and on earth.

I know for sure that He has a plan and that plan is good and that plan is for His glory and His glory alone.

I know for sure that He is wholly righteous and just in His actions.

I know for sure that this world is broken and fallen and evil and that I am broken and fallen and evil apart from the precious blood of Jesus.

I know for sure that He has rescued me from my brokenness.

I know for sure that through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross I am restored to a place of fellowship with God.

I know for sure that when God looks at me He sees the glorious righteousness of Jesus covering me.

…and I know for sure that in Jesus I am a beloved child of the King.

I know for sure that I am not promised and easy life, but I am promised that God will be with me in the midst of life.

I know for sure that there is nothing on this earth that can harm me beyond what God allows for His glorious purposes.

I know for sure that I am not the main part of God’s plan for my life, but that His glory is the main part of His plan for my life.

I know for sure that He will be faithful to complete the work He has begun in my life for His glory.

I know for sure that this life is short and that it is not my final destination.

…and I know for sure that my position in heaven is secure.

I know for sure that this life is a war and I am called to fight.

I know for sure that I have the power of God living inside of me, equipping me for every battle and every good work He has called me to.

I know for sure that I will make mistakes but that there is a never-ending supply of grace waiting for me when I turn to Jesus.

…and I know for sure that He has empowered me, is empowering me, and will empower me to do all that He has called me to do for His glory.

I know for sure that God’s grace is glorious.
I know for sure that my home is in heaven.
I know for sure that my identity is in Jesus.
I know for sure that my calling is to bring Him glory.

I know for sure that God is on the throne, that He is good, and that He loves me. And I’m clinging hard and fast to these truths on the days when I just don’t know…because these things I know for sure.

Be blessed,

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