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Reflections from Rev

Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 10 - Spiritual Disciplines

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In His book Spiritual Disciplines by Donald Whitney says, “In my own pastoral and personal Christian experience, I can say that I’ve never known a man or woman who came to spiritual maturity except through discipline. Godliness comes through discipline.”

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 9 - 5 Marks of a Dead Church

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“In the message to Sardis, we see Christ revealed as the life giver. He alone grants spiritual vitality to those with a comatose or dying faith.” -Chuck Swindoll

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 8 - Revelation from the Congregation

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“Rugged individualism is highly esteemed by our culture, but not by God” -Jon Courson

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 7 - Walking in Love & Unity

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“There is strong emphasis in the New Testament on the unity of the church. Jesus’ goal is that “there shall be one flock, one Sheperd” (John 10:16), and he prays for all future believers “that they may all be one” (John 17:21).” -Wayne Grudem 

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Reflections of Revelation /// Episode 6 - The Divine Outline

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“God does not intend for the truth of this book to be sealed to man. He intended the church to study and understand the message of revelation.” -J Hampton Keathley III 

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 5 - Patmos

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“Following a failed attempt to boil John alive, Domitian (DOUGH-MISH-IN) banished John to the Rocky, Barren, seemingly godforsaken island of Patmos. And it is here on Patmos that John was given the revelation of Jesus Christ.” -Jon Courson

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 4 - The Alpha and Omega

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“In a very real sense, scripture ends where it began. What was interrupted  in genesis 3 is renewed and completed in Revelation 19-22.” -John MacArthur

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 3: 7 Beatitudes of Revelation

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“The book of revelation, instead of being a hopeless jumble of symbolic vision, is a carefully written record of what John saw and heard, with frequent explanations of its theological and practical meanings.” -John Walvoord

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 2: The Power of Scripture

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”God wants to communicate with you through his word, the Bible, and by His Spirit. When you read the Bible, God reveals his will to you.” -Glenn Shaffer

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Reflections from Revelation /// Episode 1: A Special Book

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“At the very beginning of this book, Jesus presented himself to his people in majestic glory. What the church needs today is a new awareness of Christ and his glory. We need to see him ‘high and lifted up’ (Isa 6:1)” -Warren Wiersbe

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