Updated on 4-3-20 - EASTER Week at Redemption Church

Dear Redemption family,

We miss seeing you! It has been several weeks now since we’ve had to suspend our physical gatherings, but it has been great staying connected through our interactive online services on Sunday mornings and through our Zoom Prayer Meetings and Community Groups. With Easter coming up on April 12th, we wanted to let you know how we are planning to pursue and proclaim Jesus as we celebrate Jesus’s resurrection.

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THIS SUNDAY, April 5th, and we will be having our online service at 10am with a special message from Robin Shelley on the significance of Palm Sunday. Join our online service at https://redemptiondb.online.church and be sure to invite your friends and family to watch from their homes too!

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We will be having a Live Good Friday Service on Zoom next Friday, April 10th at 7pm. We will have a short time of worship, a devotion from Pastor Daniel, and will be taking communion together as well. If you’re able to, have grape juice and bread or crackers to participate with us as we remember the death of Jesus together. The invitation to join our Zoom Service is below.

Meeting: Good Friday Communion Service
Time: Apr 10, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 718 866 4543


In the week leading up to our Easter service, we want to have YOU make a short video sharing how knowing Jesus has changed your life to share on social media. We will also include these videos as a part of our service, so please take a moment to record a (60 second or less) selfie video sharing how God has worked in your life, post it on your personal social media page this week, and send it to us at info@redemptiondb.com. For details on what to share and how to share it, please CLICK HERE: https://redemptiondb.com/jesuschangedmylife

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We are looking forward to celebrating Easter with you at our Online Service on April 12th, so be sure to invite others to join you in watching as we celebrate Easter together at https://redemptiondb.online.church

Here’s our ONline Sunday service from 3-29-20

Updated on 3-26-20

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Dear Redemption Family,

We have really enjoyed getting to connect with you through our Zoom Prayer Meeting on Sunday Night and during our Community Group Zoom chats throughout this week. We want to continue making ourselves available to you for prayer and encouragement, so below are 2 opportunities to connect with us:

First, this FRIDAY, March 27th, I will be setting up office hours from 2-4pm for 15 minute Zoom meetings or phone calls to pray with and encourage you. Don’t feel that you need to have a crisis going on to make an appointment. I’m really hoping just to be able to encourage you and pray for you, and this is an easy way for us to stay in touch. You can sign up for a meeting time HERE.

Secondly, Laura is going to host a Zoom Ladies Tea Time for next Wednesday, April 1st from 12:30-1:30pm. Just make a pot of tea (or coffee) and join in for a time to laugh, catch up, and pray for each other. It’s going to be a fun time. 

Join Zoom Ladies Tea Time Meeting:

Zoom Meeting ID: 718 866 4543
Password: hope

To join by phone only dial: 1-646-558-8656 and then enter meeting ID 718 866 4543 (no participate ID required)

We love you and are praying for you!

We look forward to seeing you soon,
Pastor Daniel and Laura Williams

Updated on 3-22-20

Here’s our ONline service from 3-22-20

UPDATED ON 3-21-20

Dear Redemption Church Family, 

I wanted to personally reach out to you and let you know that Laura and I have been praying for you all and are feeling encouraged in the direction God is giving us in how we move forward in this new and difficult season as His Church.

This week, I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:13 which says, “But these three remain: faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.”

No matter what our circumstances may be, it is important that we purposely fix our minds and hearts on Jesus and His Word. Moving forward, we want to embrace FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE in our plans as a church.

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FAITH: Online Sunday Services @ 10am

We want to continue to put our faith in Jesus and will be having ONLINE services each Sunday where you will be able to pray, worship, and hear a message each week. We are also going to have live chat available throughout the service where you can interact with one another and request prayer in real time. These services will be available at redemptiondb.online.church. Be sure to join us this Sunday as we have a special service prepared on the subject of moving forward in FAITH, HOPE, & LOVE.

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HOPE: Virtual Community Groups
& Sunday Night Prayer @ 7pm

One of the ways that we can continue to have our hope anchored in Jesus and His promises is through continued community with one another. We need to laugh, be encouraged, learn, and share with each other especially in this time of isolation. We will be utilizing an app called ZOOM to start having prayer nights together on Sunday nights at 7pm. This app allows groups of people to have virtual meetings and is free to download: Click Here To Download. For details on how to use ZOOM, Click HERE. The prayer nights are open to anyone wanting to join in.

Here is the meeting information ID and we will have the link to join this meeting on our website as well.  

Topic: Redemption Church Delray Beach - Sunday Night Prayer Meeting
Time: Mar 22, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting --- https://zoom.us/j/7188664543

Meeting ID: 718 866 4543

We will also be using ZOOM for our regular Community Groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm. If you are already a part of a Community Group, you will receive in invitation to that ZOOM meeting with a password. If you are not already in a Community Group and would like to join one, please email me at daniel@redemptiondb.com

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LOVE: Kindness, Generosity & Proclamation 

In this season, we have a really unique opportunity to show the love of Jesus in ways that really stand out from what we are seeing around us. As a church, we want to be intentional in how we reach out through texts, calls, face time, and even practical care for those we know who are feeling alone and afraid. When God brings a person or family to your mind, respond practically by communicating with them! Let’s be speaking truth and comfort in how we interact with people.

Secondly, let’s continue to have hearts of generosity for others. This can be something practical like sharing supplies, but also continue to be worshipful in your giving to God as well. We are seeing lots of opportunities ahead for how the Church as a whole is going to be able and needed to meet many needs in our communities. You can continue to give your tithes and offerings by clicking HERE

Lastly, we want to be speaking life, truth, and hope to people in our lives. Please pass along any messages, verses, or posts you think would be an encouragement to others. We want to be proclaiming the good news of Jesus in whatever ways we can.

Hopefully, that helps clarify how we, as a church, are moving forward in the coming weeks. If you have any questions, please let us know. We look forward to connecting with you this week!

With love,
Pastor Daniel

UPDATED ON 3-16-20

Dear Redemption Family,

First of all, we wanted to let you know that we are praying for you this week. We know that it can be really easy to become overwhelmed by everything happening in the world around us. So, we created a 5-part Devotional Series that we will be sending out called “Finding Peace in Uncertain Times” to encourage you throughout the week.

It is so important that we are setting our minds on Jesus and His promises to us as we walk through this together. You will be receiving these devotional directly in your e-mail inbox to watch at home or you can click this link to listen to the audio only. We will also be making these available on social media each day and you are more than welcome to pass them along to others who need to hear a message of peace this week.

We love you!
Pastor Daniel & Laura Williams


UPDATED ON 3-15-20

This is a special online service posted on March 15th.

UPDATED ON 3-13-20

Dear Redemption Family,

We have been closely following the news and current information about COVID-19 and its effects around the world and here in Palm Beach County. Given the hour-by-hour nature of the situation, we have decided that it is in the best interest of our church members, volunteers, and community to have an Online Service this Sunday, March 15th.

Your health and well-being are so important to us as is the health of those in our community--particularly the most vulnerable. For this reason, we are choosing to cancel our Live Sunday Service this Sunday, March 15th and will be doing an Online Service instead. We are in close communication with Orchard View Elementary and the School District, and we will make decisions about how to best move forward in the coming weeks as the Palm Beach County school district has cancelled school from March 16-27. 

This Sunday, you can visit www.redemptiondb.com at 10am to view this week's service from home! We will also be sharing Daily Devotion Videosl on how God gives us peace in uncertainty Monday, March 16th - Friday, March 20th. These devotion videos will be sent directly to your inbox, be available on our website on the front page, and be posted on Social Media for you to share as well! This is a great opportunity to share a message of peace with those around us as we all go through this new season together.

As we are all surrounded by news updates and this constantly-evolving situation, we know there are feelings of uncertainty and even fear. But God is with us and will continue to provide us with comfort and strength as we walk through this together. We want you to know you have our prayers and support as your church family and we are continuing to seek Jesus and His wisdom as we move forward.

We will be keeping you up to date in real time as we make decisions about upcoming services and church gatherings. Please pray for wisdom for our leadership as we seek God's will for how to best care for our church and local community.

-Pastor Daniel & Laura Williams

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