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“He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” -Daniel 2:22

God’s perfect plan to send Jesus into the world included people. Young people like Mary, working people like the shepherds, older men like Joseph and Simeon…each one different and unique. God didn’t create us to be the same person. He created each of us with our own gifts and personalities—the things that make us who we are. Our differences are what make our world so wonderful, and God’s glory shines through His creation: including the people He made!

As unique and different as the people God chose to include in the Christmas story, the way that God revealed His plan to each one was just as unique. Because God knew them, God knew exactly how each person would receive and understand what He wanted to reveal to them. For some, this meant a quiet moment at home, like Mary and Joseph. For others, God literally opened the heavens with angels singing, like He did for the shepherds. 

I love this about our God! 

God knows us, inside and out. He knows how we think, what makes us excited or afraid, and He is able to speak to us in ways that He knows we will understand. The passage above in Daniel chapter 2 tells us that it is God who reveals the deep and hidden things. Just as the birth of Jesus was revealed in many ways to many people, God continues to reveal Himself to us personally today. 

God is not distant and unreachable. 

He loves us, and He wants to speak to us. Jesus came that we might see God for ourselves and know Him! So, today, as you seek Him, ask Jesus to speak into your life in ways that you will hear and understand. And as you read and meditate on God’s Word, trust Him to reveal Himself to you because He knows and loves you. You matter to Him.

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