Redemption Church Delray Beach

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The Struggle God Allowed | Dec 16

 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” -Romans 8:18

Jesus was not born into comfort and privilege. There has never been a child born into our world who has been more deserving of a care-free, peace-filled life than Jesus. Yet, Jesus Himself lived a life filled with struggle and suffering, and this includes the events and circumstances surrounding His birth in Bethlehem.

We live in an imperfect world that is still suffering the affects of sin. 

Our world was broken when sin first entered through Adam and Eve in the garden. And since that time, we do not experience the world as God created it. There is sickness, selfishness, and pain. When Jesus arrived on earth as a baby, He chose to experience life as we do. And this meant making himself vulnerable to pain and suffering as a human being.

God allows us to experience struggling and discomfort in our lives, too. But as we live day to day, we must remember the reason Jesus came in the first place: He came to set us free from our sin and destroy the work of the enemy. He came to restore our relationship with God to the place it was in the beginning. And He came to make a way for us to enter into eternal life with God in Heaven where we will once again be free from pain and sorrow forever.

Every person who has lived throughout history has had to experience pain. Knowing Jesus is the only thing that makes the Christian’s suffering and pain different than the suffering of those who do not believe. As children of God, we have the promise of Heaven where all our present suffering will cease. We have the promise of fruitfulness as God tells us He uses all our suffering to create perseverance, character, and hope! We have the comfort of the Holy Spirit within us to bring us peace that goes beyond our own understanding when we pray to Him. The Christian suffers the same way Jesus suffered, and that is looking to the joy that is set before us: for us, this is Jesus Himself. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

It is with great trust in God’s love and goodness that we walk through the trials and struggles of our lives. 

We trust Him because we know Him. Jesus knew His Heavenly Father. As Jesus’s life began in the small town of Bethlehem, the perfect example of a life surrendered to the will of the Father was beginning. Let us always look to Jesus as we learn to trust in the plans of God for our lives, trusting that the struggles He allows pale in comparison to the great joy that lies ahead.

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