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“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world  that we might live through Him.” -1 John 4:9 (NIV)

The newborn baby boy, lying in the manger surrounded by his mother, Mary, and Joseph was a symbol of the love God has for all of mankind. The heart of God was laid out for us to see when Jesus was born 2000 years ago in Bethlehem. Christmas is a celebration of a baby’s birth, yes, but it is most importantly a celebration of the great love God demonstrated in sending His only Son into our world.

Before sin entered the world, Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden. God created us to be with Him. His plan for humankind was pure and perfect relationship—just as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit exist in community and love for one another, God created people to know and love Him in this same way. When Jesus came to the earth, it was with this in mind: that He would show us the full measure of His love and redeem us from our sin.

The birth of Jesus Christ was the beginning of the fulfillment of God’s promise. 

God’s promises are true and faithful. And Jesus Himself was the fulfillment of God’s first promise to Adam and Eve, that He would send a Savior, God’s own Son to restore what was lost and make new what was broken. 1 Corinthians 1:20 says this:

“For all the promises of God find their Yes in him (that is, Christ). That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory.”

God loves us so very much, that He sent Jesus into the world. He was faithful to His promise. And it is because of the work that Jesus did by becoming a man, dying on the cross, and being raised back to life—that we are able to say “Amen!” We are now free to receive the free gift of God, which is eternal life, by believing in the name of Jesus. What greater gift could there be?

Today, meditate on the immeasurable greatness of the love God has for you. It is there, in the Christmas story, in creation around us, on the cross, and in the empty tomb. Jesus is alive, and we have forever to rejoice and celebrate the love of our Savior whose own life itself was poured out for us, so that we too might live through Him.

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