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Full Interview with Esteban Valenzuela from Madrid, Spain

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Here is the full interview from our Sunday Online Service (3-29-20) with Esteban Valenzuela from Madrid, Spain .

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Proclaiming Jesus All Over The World

We want everyone in the world to know the love that Jesus has for them and to accept the Good News of His death, resurrection, and the new life they can have through Him! This is why we put a strong emphasis on reaching the lost in our own community and around the world. Pastor Daniel serves on the board for the Calvary Church Planting Network and is a mentor and resource for various church planters. We believe in the Great Commission from Jesus to "Go and make disciples of all nations," and we are privileged to see God using Redemption Church to make disciples in our community of Delray Beach and around the world!

As a church, we give monthly financial support to several different missionaries and church planters across the United States and around the world. We work hard to not only help meet their financial need but to also maintain relationships with them through prayers, missions trips, and friendship. Please take the time to read about some of these wonderful people and the ministries the Lord has called them to do. We are excited about how God is at work in each one, and we are honored to be partnering with them.






The Sanchez family started Casa de Bendicion (“House of Blessing”) in Bachiniva, Mexico in 2013. Jason and Jackie and their daughter Ayantu moved from Puyallup, Washington when God called them to start an orphanage in east/central Mexico as a way of caring for orphans and showing them the love of Jesus. Please be praying as we are supporting and praying with them for God to continue use them in a mighty way!




Nieves and his wife and 2 children began traveling to San Juanito, Mexico to take over a church there in November, 2016. The small church in this mountain town was in great need of a pastor, and the Lord put it on Nieves and Karen’s heart to move there and serve the people and community of San Juanito. Nieves and Karen are originally from Bachiniva, Mexico (where the House of Blessing Orphanage is located) and is cousin to Jason Sanchez. We are praying that the Lord greatly blesses their step of faith in leaving their home in Bachiniva to go and serve Him in this way!




Esteban and Tifiny Valenzuela are originally from Southern California where they met Pastor Daniel and Laura at a church planting course in 2011. The Lord has been calling them to Spain to share the love of Jesus there, and in 2016, they moved to Madrid to plant a church. We could not be happier to be supporting them as a church in our prayers, encouragement, and our finances. We hope you will take the time to read a little bit of their story on their blog and begin to pray with us for them as they are following Jesus in Spain.




The Henderson family left Southern California in 2014 to serve Jesus in Sydney, Australia and are a part of the Anchor Church ministry team. Bryan, Tara and their 3 children are currently living in Sydney serving in the ministry there as missionaries and have help launched Anchor Church. Please be praying as they are serving and loving on their local community and for God to use them to bring many people to Jesus!



Julie has been a part of Redemption Church since Summer of 2016, and she has had a desire to serve at an orphanage for some time. The Lord has been directing and leading Julie to commit to a short-term mission to serve the staff and children at the House of Blessing. She will serve as one of the female staff at the orphanage helping to care for the girls, help them with getting ready for school, homework, cleaning and laundry ,and wherever else the Lord allows.

She would love to have your prayers for safety, health, spiritual protection and encouragement, and for the Lord to use her in wonderful ways while she is there! To read more about how you can personally support Julie, go to:

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If You Love Jesus, You Must Love People by Esteban Valenzuela

God is all about people and relationship.

His institutions that include the church, marriage, and family…guess what? They’re all about people. Ministry, both inside and outside of the church…yup…also about people. Life guarantees that challenging situations and difficult people will often come our way. We won’t ever be able to fully insulate ourselves from these factors, unless you want to live in some remote place, like Alaska. If, however, you find yourself wanting to live life with some sense of normalcy, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you’re probably going to be with and around people. 

As a parent, I have such a fierce love for my kids. I want the best for them and tend to worry about them here, in the now, but also about their health and safety in the future. In a sense, I see them as extensions of myself. Out there in life, exposed, there is great potential that I/they will experience life and feel pain. Sometimes it feels like a giant risk having kids. Risking my own sanity and my own emotions, as my very being is so tightly knit together in their existence. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.

It’s risky to trust people. 

It seems like a gamble to get out there and trust people with your heart and your friendship and to navigate this life and all the social and communal institutions that we potentially face. But it’s part of God’s plan. To be with Him. To be with others. To engage in relationship, fellowship, and community. When God asked Solomon what he would ask of Him, Solomon’s response was for wisdom and knowledge. This was in direct correlation with his relationship to his people, Israel, as their king. 

There won’t ever be a time or season when we are done with instruction in God’s Word. We learn some things, and then life throws new challenges, situations, and new people at us and we need to learn more. This is where God uses the church, pastors, and the Christian community to impact individual lives and whole communities so powerfully. A faithful expression of God’s church is going to have an emphasis on the most important training and equipping source…God’s Word. So, enter the community, get the big picture, and get into the game. Even if it seems risky. Understand that love, relationship, and community are a huge part of everyday life. Understand this is where the devil will often try to wage his war and bring division and a break in relationships. Let God’s Word train you, equip you, and dwell richly within you. Learn, affirm, and confirm to others the truth of His Word, and then encourage them to get in the game, too. Get to that place where the miracle of the Gospel is working something amazing in you, and help others to get there, too. 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is radical! It’s all about Him! Somehow, He has engaged us in His mission…

Romans 12:14-21 say this: “Bless those who persecute you. Don’t curse them; pray that God will bless them. Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with each other. Don’t be too proud to enjoy the company of ordinary people. And don’t think you know it all! Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. 18 Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone. Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the Lord. Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads. Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” 

In life and ministry Jesus Himself is the grand prize and the supreme goal. And He is all about people. 

Are we living in peace as much as it depends on us? It can be a challenging, messy, swampy relational world everywhere you go. If we claim to be His, this should lead us ask how we think about and act toward each of the precious people He has put into our lives and the various situations we face. Are we being faithful?  Like Solomon, we need wisdom. He’s got the blueprints for a life triumphant and victorious. So, be instructed. Allow Him to guide, direct, and equip you. He doesn’t simply desire us in heaven, but He desires for us to be fruitful and victorious here on earth! 

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