Viewing entries tagged
Serve Sunday

Serve Sunday with Will

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Serve Sunday | with Julie Ruse

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Julie has been a part of Redemption Church since Summer of 2016 and completed her first 3-month internship at the House of Blessing Orphanage in Bachiniva, Mexico during Summer of 2017. We are excited to share that God has led Julie to return to Bachiniva to finish out the school year as a missionary serving the children and staff of the orphanage through Spring of 2018!

Take a few minutes to watch Julie share some of her journey into missions as well as how God is using her ability gifts and passion for design work at the orphanage!  

And please join us in praying for safety, health, spiritual protection and encouragement, and for the Lord to use her in wonderful ways while she is there! If you would like to contribute to Julie’s trip through financial donations, please CLICK HERE

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Robin

God has done and continues to do amazing things in the lives of the people at Redemption Church, and it is greatly in thanks to the efforts of so many people who continue to give their time and effort to serve others! We are incredibly thankful for the awesome team of volunteers who serve so faithfully. THANK YOU to all of you who make such a huge impact on the work and ministry that happens not only on Sundays but throughout the week! This is Alesha interviewing  Robin from Sunday morning where he shared about his experiences serving on our Tear Down Team! 

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Allen

We are so grateful for all of you who serve at Redemption Church and the way God is using you to be a part of the Body and use your gifts for His glory! Last month, we interviewed Allen about his experience serving as a volunteer at Redemption Church and how God has used that in his walk with Jesus.  Thank you so much, Allen, for all you do to serve Jesus here at Redemption Church!

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Rosy

We are so grateful for all of you who serve at Redemption Church and the way God is using you to be a part of the Body and use your gifts for His glory! On Sunday, we interviewed Rosy about her experience serving as a volunteer at Redemption Church and how God has used that in her walk with Jesus.  Thank you so much, Rosy, for all you do to serve Jesus here at Redemption Church!

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Daniel

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Colleen

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Mike

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Serve Sunday | An Interview with Alesha

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What Does It Mean To "Serve The Body" by Laura Williams

As a believer in Jesus, His follower, and a child of God, I find myself wanting to know Jesus more deeply every day. I want to understand His heart. I want to see the people around me as He sees them. And I want to see God’s hand working in and through my life! If you are a lover of Jesus, you know what I’m talking about. We all want more. And as His child, I want to share with you one of the most wonderful lessons I have learned about knowing God more deeply and seeing Him working in and through me. 

It starts with understanding His Church, His Body.

If you are a new Christian, you may have heard someone refer to the people in the church as “the body.” We talk about ways to serve “the body” or bless “the body.” In fact, using this terminology so frequently may cause us to forget its significance even to those of us who have been a part of the church for a long time! Do you know why we use this term? Why don’t we just say “serve the church” or “bless one another?” 

I want to share what brought this to life for me and has radically changed why and how I serve.

The Apostle Paul in Romans 12, goes to great lengths discussing our relationships to one another as members of “one body.” The point being we are all different, valuable, necessary, and designed to work together! Romans 12 is a wonderful encouragement that no matter what gifts you have or do not have, God designed you to be a special part of the church you are in. You are designed to contribute, to give of yourself, to use your gifts, to love and suffer and live life as a part of a family. A body. You are not alone. And what you do or don’t do for others has a tremendous impact on other people.

We serve one another in so many ways. When we do, we see our relationships with each other grow deeper. The closest friends in my life even from many years ago are still those built during times serving with each other. It’s amazing the way Jesus uses our simplest times—like making coffee together before an event, planning a game night, or even time praying for each other’s needs—He uses each of these for OUR good! Just as Romans 8:28 says, He works ALL THINGS for the good of those who love Him. Even our simple or small acts of service wind up being a blessing to us.

And here is the greatest thing. 

As we serve the “body,” we are in fact serving the BODY OF JESUS. It is Jesus Himself we are serving! Can you grasp that along with me? When I serve those around me, I serve Jesus Himself. When I bring a meal to someone in need, I bless my savior. It is all worship to Him! Using the term “the body” has become so meaningful to me since I connected that term back to Jesus Himself. Maybe you’re thinking that this is obvious—well, for me, it changed my heart and my inward attitude toward serving.

Colossians 1:18 says: “He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”

Jesus Himself demonstrated this beautiful truth—that we are designed to worship God in everything we do! Singing songs of praise, yes! But also by living in a way that puts others before ourselves. Jesus said, “…the Son of Man (Jesus) did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many people.”

I want to be more like Jesus! I want to see His power at work in me. I want to worship Him in every way I can, and to see His Church as His Body. And I want to see how God will use all these things for my good and teach me more and more simple truths as I do.

Whether you are a brand new Christian or have known Jesus for many years, I want to encourage you to serve others with this understanding! Whether it is serving guests in your home, teaching children about Jesus, helping with set-up or tear-down on a Sunday, or simply reaching out of your comfort zone to start up a conversation to help someone else feel comfortable—God will show His power and His presence to you in those moments. 

If you are wanting to see more of God presence in YOUR life, see what happens when you begin to serve others as though you are serving Jesus Himself! 

“And whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Jesus Himself.” -Colossians 3:23-24

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