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Q&A about Redemption Church’s 2021 Pastoral Sabbatical

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As we are approaching a Pastoral Sabbatical at Redemption Church, we wanted to take some time to discuss what a Pastoral Sabbatical is, the purpose of this Pastoral Sabbatical for our church and our pastor, and answer some questions you may have. 

This article is the third of three blogs which we hope will offer clarity and build excitement as we prepare for this season of rest and renewal as a church family.

Part 3: Q&A about Redemption Church’s 2021 Pastoral Sabbatical

Q. How long will the sabbatical be?

A. The Williams family will be away from Redemption Church from May 24th-August 24th (a 3 month sabbatical)

Q. Who will be teaching/pastoring in his absence?

A. Pastor Robin will be teaching our Sunday services and be overseeing all other pastoral duties while Pastor Daniel is on sabbatical.

Q. Who will be leading worship while the Williams are away?

A. We will be welcoming several different worship leaders throughout the Summer sabbatical. We are grateful that multiple local worship leaders are planning to rotate leading us in worship at our Sunday services.

Q. Are there ways I can help while the Williams are away?

A. Absolutely! We will need volunteers to help with a variety of tasks before and after Sunday services and throughout the week. Please let Pastor Robin or Sue know if you are willing to help out in any way.

Q. Where will the Williams family be while they are away from Redemption Church?
A. The Williams are planning a trip up the East Coast to Maine for part of the sabbatical and will spend part of the time resting at home. 

Q. Will the Williams family be in touch with us while they are away?
A. Generally, no. They may send greetings occasionally throughout their sabbatical, but this time is meant to be a break from their normal ministry at Redemption Church.

Q. Will there be a going away party or opportunity to say goodbye before they leave?

A. We will be having a special Send Off Meal on Sunday, May 23rd at 5pm where we will pray for the Williams family and enjoy time of fellowship together before they officially start their Sabbatical on May 24th. Please plan to come and show your love and support with our Redemption Church Family!

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The Purpose of Sabbatical for our Pastor and for our Church

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As we are approaching a Pastoral Sabbatical at Redemption Church, we wanted to take some time to discuss what a Pastoral Sabbatical is, the purpose of this Pastoral Sabbatical for our church and our pastor, and answer some questions you may have. 

This article is the second of three blogs which we hope will offer clarity and build excitement as we prepare for this season of rest and renewal as a church family.

Part 2: The Purpose of A Pastoral Sabbatical for our Pastor and for our Church

Purpose for our Pastor:

This Pastoral Sabbatical is an intentional time where Pastor Daniel and his family will leave their normal roles in the church to simply be together and hear from the Lord for 3 months. A Pastoral Sabbatical is not an extended vacation, but rather a time to rest from the unique requirements and responsibilities that come with pastoring and shepherding at Redemption Church and renewed and encouraged in the Lord. 

This pastoral sabbatical will provide time to rest from 8 years of pastoral ministry at Redemption Church and allow Pastor Daniel to take a break from the usual routine of sermon preparation and preaching, meetings, counseling, administration of day-to day church affairs, and the daily shepherding of people. 

Specifically, it will be time for the following:

  1. A complete break from ministry at Redemption Church

  2. Rest, reflection, evaluation and travel

  3. Quality time with family

  4. Getting recharged by quality time in God’s Word and other reading

  5. Renewed vision for Redemption Church

Purpose for our Church:

A sabbatical means a season without our pastor and his family here to lead, guide, teach, counsel, labor, or listen. This may sound scary or even impossible, but a season of sabbatical actually provides unique opportunities to see how Jesus Himself is the Head over the Church and to see each member use their time and gifts in ways they perhaps had not before. There will be needs to be met, and the members of the church will be the ones to see how to go about meeting them. There will be another pastor (Pastor Robin) teaching weekly services and carrying pastoral responsibilities throughout the sabbatical. This will be a time to hear from Jesus through another voice as Pastor Robin hears from the Holy Spirit and shares with the church each week. 

Specifically,  this pastoral sabbatical will be a blessing to the church in the following ways:

  1. Greater involvement and growth as more members serve together

  2. Awareness of the Holy Spirit’s leading and provision for the church

  3. Opportunities to hear from another teacher as God speaks to him

  4. Better understanding of and appreciation for the various responsibilities usually carried by the pastor and his family

As we prepare to enter this season of sabbatical this summer, please pray that God uses this time to encourage and renew us as a church as well as for Pastor Daniel and his family. We are looking forward to seeing all the things we are able to learn and experience through this time of pastoral sabbatical at Redemption Church.

***Portions of this article taken from “A Sabbatical Primer for Churches” by David C. Alves and Marcy Devers Alves

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What is a Pastoral Sabbatical?

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As we are approaching a Pastoral Sabbatical at Redemption Church, we wanted to take some time to discuss what a Pastoral Sabbatical is, the purpose of this Pastoral Sabbatical for our church and our pastor, and answer some questions you may have. 

This article is the first of three blogs which we hope will offer clarity and build excitement as we prepare for this season of rest and renewal as a church family.

Part 1: What is a Pastoral Sabbatical and Why do we Embrace it?

The What:

A Sabbatical is an extended Sabbath with a focus on stopping work or normal routine to rest and enjoy the grace that God has given. The word “sabbatical” comes from the biblical word, Sabbath. The keeping of the Sabbath originates in God Himself. 

"By the seventh day, God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:2-3.

The word Sabbath means “to cease or to rest.” The Bible instructs us on three Sabbath keeping practices: 

1. The Sabbath Day. The Sabbath day was ordained as a weekly observance set aside solely for the cessation of work in order to renew people in body, mind, and spirit. 

2. The Sabbath Year. The Sabbath Year was set to occur every seven years when all crop bearing land would be allowed to lie fallow so the earth could rest and be replenished for future harvests. 

3. The Year of Jubilee. The Year of Jubilee was set to be celebrated every 50 years with no harvest or rent but instead, debt forgiveness, restoration, and the making of offerings. 

So, the keeping of Sabbath—ceasing and resting, renewing and refilling—are part of the Judeo-Christian rhythm of work and play, of production and reflection, of giving out and taking in. 

The Why:

There are many things we learn through practicing Sabbath rest—whether as a weekly rhythm or as a seasonal sabbatical as a minister. Here are three important principles on WHY we embrace pastoral sabbaticals.

First, we choose to take time to rest because we are human and not God. This is particularly pertinent to the pastoral sabbatical because the role of pastor and pastor’s wife uniquely create a dynamic of feeling responsible for others’ spiritual, emotional, and even physical well-being. As Rusty McKie says, “In God’s long-suffering love toward us, he commands us to rest because he knows the gravitational pull inside us to try to ‘be like God.’” 

Recognizing and embracing humility through a pastoral sabbatical allows the pastor and the church to see God as provider, sustainer, shepherd, and Lord. 

Another reason we embrace pastoral sabbaticals is because rest in grounded in redemption. Choosing to rest demonstrates that we are free and not slaves. Jesus redeemed us and set us free from the task-master of legalism. Our identity as children of God is in the work Jesus did on the cross and not the work that we do. The work of a pastor is unique in that a pastor (and his family) are always on call with the needs, concerns, and demands of ministry and those they serve. While we believe that weekly sabbath is a crucial component of the health of the pastor, a seasonal sabbatical allows more adequate time to lean into the freedom he has in Christ. 

Finally, we embrace the pastoral sabbath as a demonstration that we rest in Jesus because He is our life. Jesus often healed on the Sabbath in the Bible as evidence of His lordship over the Sabbath and His ability to heal and work in both times of rest and times of hard work. He alone builds His church when we are working and when we are resting. Jesus promotes and promises rest in Matthew 11:28: 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

As a church, we want to honor Jesus in our work and in our rest. And we believe our pastor and his family will be immeasurably encouraged, renewed, and rested in their coming sabbatical in obedience to Jesus. They desire to work hard and rest well as they recognize that they are not God, are not slaves, and Jesus is their life. 

Please pray that this season of sabbatical is a blessing to both our church and our pastor and his family.

***Portions of this article taken from “Sabbaticals” by Rusty McKie and “A Sabbatical Primer for Churches” by David C. Alves and Marcy Devers Alves

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