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Jason Sanchez

A 2021 Update Interview with Jason Sanchez

HOB interview - Jason & Daniel headshot.jpg

Redemption Church has been blessed to partner with House of Blessing Ministries since they first began in 2012. House of Blessing is a children's home and ministry base in the small mountain town of Bachiniva, Mexico.

House of Blessing director, Jason Sanchez, and his family moved to Mexico to start the ministry at the same time that Redemption Church was getting started here in Florida. We have been able to take several teams from Redemption Church on missions trips to visit and serve at the orphanage through the years. Pastor Daniel recently joined the board of House of Blessing Ministries, and we are excited for all God is doing through the Sanchez family and the ministry in Bachiniva.

In this interview, you can hear an update on how God has been working this past year through Covid-19 and also how they plan to move forward into a new season serving those in need in their community.

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My Story | Jason Sanchez


My Story | Jason Sanchez on Closed Doors

Jason Sanchez, Director of House of Blessing Orphanage in Bachiniva, Mexico, shares how God radically changed his view of closed doors in his life. Experiencing many years of being unable to have children of their own, Jason and his wife Jackie went through the grief and disappointment of God closing that door in their life. What happened as a result is the amazing and beautiful story of God working through these circumstances to open their hearts to seek the adoption of their daughter from Ethiopia and starting an orphanage in Mexico. “As I began to look at the things in my life, I realized that God closing doors is for a very specific purpose. And not only for a purpose, but it’s for something even better and greater that He wants to do.” It is only after going through it that you can see, it makes perfect sense what God was doing. “When you take a step back in your life and you look at things through that lens and through His word and through His promises, it will make you kind of excited for closed doors…Learn to embrace closed doors and watch the greater things that God will do in the midst of difficulties and hardships, knowing that God loves you.” Catch up with Jason at

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Thank You From Jason Sanchez (HOB)

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An Update From The House of Blessing (August 2016)

Summer is drawing to a close here for the children of CDB as they prepare to start school this coming Monday.  I don’t think any of our kids would actually “admit” they are excited for school, however, you can tell that they are.  

The summer was fairly busy, though pretty relaxing as well.  Most of our children got to spend some of their vacation with family and relatives.  We only had a few missions teams serve with us this summer.  My wife was able to go on a missions trip to China with a church from El Paso.  Ayantu and I flew up to Seattle for our annual golf tournament in which we raised $6300 for the orphanage.  And then, we met up with Jackie as well as all my siblings and their families for our family reunion in Lincoln City, Oregon.  What a great time that was.

When school finished in July, we had 14 children in the home.  Now with school starting we have 18.  The Lord was faithful to bring us 4 more children to care for and minister to, 3 of those having come this past week.

Some of you might remember Valeria, the sweet little gal with a squeaky voice that lived with us last year for 6 months.  Her mom decided to pull her from the home after Christmas break.  Honestly, we were all heartbroken and missed this precious gal very much.  What made it even harder was the fact that Valeria wasn’t even staying with her mom.  She was living here in town with her grandparents in horrible living conditions. 

I hadn’t seen Valeria since she left until Jairo and Jessie’s wedding in June.  Valeria came with her grandparents and greeted me with the biggest hug ever.  Towards the end of the wedding, Valeria came up and whispered something in my ear.  I couldn’t understand at first but then realized what she was saying…”can I please come live with you guys again.”  My heart was overwhelmed with emotions and all I wanted to do was take this precious girl home with us.  Sure it was justified, right?  I mean, her mom was neglecting her again, her living environment was very unhealthy, it all made sense to me.

However the Lord quickly spoke and reminded me that as much as I wanted to intervene, I needed to “be still, and know that He is God.” He was in control and would work something out.

Well, the Lord was faithful (as always) to do that.  We received a call from Valeria’s mom asking us to please take her daughter back.  She realized she made a mistake taking her out of the orphanage in the first place and once again was not in a place to take care of her.  Of course we said yes and Valeria is as happy as she was when she left…if not a little bit more.  It is SO wonderful to have her with us again.  Valeria will be starting 1st grade on Monday.

We also received a little guy named Edgar.  Edgar is 5 years old and has a mom and dad.  They are actually a really neat family and we are so thankful the Lord brought them into our lives to help and minister to.  Their story goes like a lot of the other stories.  Both parents are working hard to survive and due to their long work days, 6, sometimes 7, days a week, they aren’t able to nor do they have anyone else to care for Edgar.  Edgar’s parents are thrilled that he will be able to get an education (starting 1st grade on Monday), learn about the Lord, be cared for in a healthy environment, and that they will be able to visit or spend time with him on weekends.

The 3rd child that came to us is a young lady named Carolina.  She is the younger sister of Erasmo and Maria Ana.  We have known her since our very first trip up to their little village in the mountains, 3 years ago.  Carolina finished elementary school in her town and her mom now wants her to continue her schooling along with Erasmo and Maria Ana.  Carolina is very shy, but is already coming out of her shell.  She is a huge help with things around the house and is excited to start school.  She will start 7th grade on Monday.

So, including our daughter Ayantu, we now have 19 children in the house.  WOW…sounds a little crazy even as I read and write it.   Yes, it seems a little overwhelming right now as we change up room arrangements, build new beds, buy more clothes, food, etc.  But what an absolute joy and honor to help care for God’s precious children.

Please, please, please, continue to pray for us, especially over the next week as we get all 19 children settled in school.  Please pray for Valeria, Edgar and Carolina as they adjust to their new home.  Also, please pray for continual finances.  With the additional children as well school supplies, uniforms, back to school clothes, etc. that need to be purchased, we are trusting and excited to see in which ways the Lord chooses to provide.

We are also in great need of sponsors for most of our children.  I will be sharing a bit more about that here in the next few weeks regarding ways that you can partner with us and a child here at the orphanage.

Thank you for your faithfulness in taking the time to read the things the Lord is doing here!


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A Beautiful Lesson by Jason Sanchez

The Lord taught me a most wonderful, power lesson this past Sunday that I pray I will treasure all my life. Church was packed, especially because we had an extra 14 brothers and sisters from Washington and New Mexico. This missions team has come down to install a heating system in our new house as well as build cabinets, insulate and hang sheet rock, paint in the orphanage and of course love on the children.

It was beautiful seeing the church full of people singing their hearts out in adoration to our Lord. As we transitioned into the bible study, I took my usual seat in the back to usher.  Sitting about 5 feet from me was a gentleman that has come to church off and on, sometimes sober while other times drunk.  This time in particular was the latter. Not only did he smell of alcohol but also of urine and body odor from probably not showering for a few days.  The smell was almost unbearable.  My initial thought was I need to ask this guys to sit outside.  As scenarios ran through my mind of just how to go about asking him to step outside, the Lord immediately and strongly began to speak to my heart.

Who was I to ask this man to leave the sanctuary?  It wasn't like he was being disrespectful or disrupting anything.  He was simply sitting there listening to the words of Jesus.  Why was I more deserving to sit in the service than this man?  Or anyone else for that matter sitting in the sanctuary? Was it because I got to take a hot shower that morning or had clean clothes to put on?  Maybe because I showed up on time for service, sang the songs or even lifted my hands during worship?  What made me more deserving that Sunday morning than this drunk smelling man?  Absolutely NOTHING!

You see that's the very message Jesus was speaking about in the gospel of Luke 18:10-14...

“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

Sunday morning I was that pharisee when I should have been the tax collector, asking God to forgive me and be merciful to me, to change my way of thinking about this brother next to me.

You know what probably was the most powerful part of that lesson?  While I was bearing the smell of alcohol, urine and BO, it was actually a sweet fragrance to the Lord.  Here sat one of Gods beloved, one whom He went to the cross for.  Here was a lost sinner, in need of hearing Gods precious words of life.

Isn't that the very reason why we answered the call to move down to Mexico and start an orphanage, 3 1/2 years ago?  To minister to the hurting, broken, lost, smelling children and others that are desperately in need of the very Savior that spared and saved my life.

God, please help us to not slip into the thinking of a pharisee.  May we be reminded that we are nothing more then smelly tax collectors who have been saved by Gods amazing grace, purchased by Jesus' very own blood!

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An Update On The House of Blessing

God is continuing to build and bless the House of Blessing Orphanage in Mexico! You can read the latest update from Jason and hear more about the new children who have come to live with them, their summer adventures, and the plans for the new school year below.

Back to school is in full effect here at the Casa.  The children started school last week and so far so good.  Wow, it was a bit crazy getting 13 children (including our daughter) prepped and ready for school.  But, with our great staff and a lot of work, everything fell into place and the kids are loving the new school year.  We have 4 kids in Jr. High, 7 kids in elementary and 2 in kindergarten.  Our staff was just as excited as the kids, for school to start because now we have 8 hours of peace and quiet each day.  I do miss the kids, but I too am enjoying the quietness. Now I know why my mom was so excited all those years for the 5 of us kids to start school.

The elementary and jr high kids are all set!

We had quite the busy summer, and time FLEW by.  Our Casa family continues to change and grow constantly.  At the beginning of summer, I think we had 14 kids.  Most of the children were able to spend part of their summer vacation with their mom's and extended family.  Overall, the kids enjoyed their time.  It is usually a challenge when kids come back from vacation because they are use to the freedom and lack of rules with their family.  However, for the most part, the kids have adjusted just fine being back at the orphanage.

Mary, the mother of Delia, Zuley and Victoria, also went to spend time with her sister in Chihuahua city.  We were really hoping and praying that they would come back to the orphanage by school time, however, they decided to stay in Chihuahua.  There are mixed feelings and emotions about this.  Obviously it is hard when children leave, but, in this case, Mary has found a job and will be living with her sister.  We are very thankful for the time the Lord allowed us to minister to this sweet mother and her girls.  Please continue to pray for them!

We also had a surge of new children come to the orphanage.  This past week, 3 new precious kids joined our family.  Natalia (age 6) and Valeria (age 5) came to the orphanage 6 days ago.  Both of their moms live locally here in Bachiniva, but need to travel to try to search for work.  They were wanting the girls to get a chance to go to school, but couldn't do that on their own.  These two girls are beautiful and have already been a blessing thus far.  Valeria is in the same class as our daughter Ayantu and already they are best friends.  

Valeria (on the left) and Natalia.  Sweet little princesses!

This past Sunday, another young boy named Osvaldo (age 10) joined our family.  Osvaldo's mother works locally here at the nursing home.  It's a blessing that she has a steady job, however, she works anywhere from 60-70 hours a week.  Whether its the morning shift or graveyard shift, Maria works constantly which forces Osvaldo to be home alone most of the day.  We were able to enroll Osvaldo in school and he is doing great.  He is a very nice and polite young man.  He has already become friends with the boys here at the orphanage and is adjusting very well!



Not only were we busy with children coming and going, but also with activities and missions teams.  This summer we were able to host 2 different missions teams.  Our first group consisted of 16 individuals from Horizon Christian Fellowship and Immanuel Christian School, both located in El Paso.  Then earlier this month, we hosted 8 individuals from Cottage Grove Calvary in Oregon.  Both teams did an amazing job loving on the children, serving, encouraging and working hard.  The focus for both teams was laying the foundation and plumbing for our new offices.  We are SO exited to have these as it will free up space and allow for further growth.

Golfing in The Pacific Northwest 

I had the chance again, to travel back to Seattle for our annual golf invitational.  This year we had 81 golfers come out for an incredible day and we raised over $6,000.  I was absolutely amazed and had an incredible time with so many people supporting the ministry!


and continues to show that to me every single day.  Most recently, it has been in His financial provision.  I am absolutely amazed at the individuals, families, churches, businesses and even people I've never met, who give to the orphanage.  When Paul encouraged us that God would supply all our needs, he was speaking wonderful truths.  Anytime we've been in need of something, be that a vehicle, clothes, school uniforms and supplies, washing machine, utility bills, food, etc for our ever growing family, GOD HAS PROVIDED.  He has put it on the hearts of so many individuals who tirelessly give, pray and support us.  To all of you, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.  Truly, we could not do this without your help and support!

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2015 Mexico Mission Trip (Video Recap)

We are back home from our missions trip to Bachiniva, Mexico! THANK YOU for your prayers and support! We had a wonderful trip—we had safe travels to and from Mexico, Daniel made new brochures and prayer cards for their ministry and sponsorship cards for each of the kids, Laura painted several murals in the orphanage, Travis and Mike worked on building a new shed on the property and poured concrete, and Alesha and Colleen helped Jackie and the staff with multiple cleaning projects! We were blessed abundantly by the opportunity to meet the kids and revisit the Sanchez family. We made a brief slideshow of the trip that we’d love for you to see. You can view it below. You can also listen or watch the service where the team shared about the trip and what they learned during our time in Bachiniva on our teaching page under topical messages. If you would like to learn more about the House of Blessing orphanage please visit 

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Submitting To Authorities by Jason Sanchez

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1).

This is one of those verses that can be much debated and difficult to understand, especially in the corrupt world in which we live, where much of the corruption stems from governing authorities.  We might ask the question, “Paul, what are you saying here…how can I obey or be subject to those lying scoundrels?”

Well, Paul actually makes things very clear.  First of all, ALL authority comes from God. Secondly, those who are in authority that we might view as ”lying scoundrels” exist because they have been appointed by God.  That raises another question directed to the Lord.  “God, why in the world would you appoint a guy like Nero [who was ruling while Paul penned this letter) or, “How does a maniac like Hitler get placed into power?”

I know, it seems crazy doesn’t it? And at times, impossible to believe. However, if we believe and trust God and His word, then there is an exact plan and reason our Lord divinely inspired this verse!  Rather then being angry or frustrated or letting it confuse us, we must pray through it, meditate on it and seek the Lord and His heart behind it. We must trust that our God knows exactly what He is doing and we must surrender to that.

Paul said, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (1 Cor 11:1).  Do you ever read about Paul bad mouthing and rebelling against Nero? No, and that’s because he sought to imitate Christ. Do you ever read about Jesus bad mouthing or rebelling against Pilate?

“Remember your Savior suffered under Pontius Pilate, one of the worst Roman governors Judea ever had; and Paul under Nero, the worst Roman Emperor. And neither our Lord nor His apostle denied or reviled the ‘authority!’” (Newell)

I share these thoughts with you because I have had to apply them greatly in the last year.  It all started as I sat in the office of the new president (mayor) of Bachiniva. He came into office in January after a much heated, corrupt and very intense election.

We were preparing to start a big project of building a security fence around the orphanage. It’s was huge undertaking that cost a lot of money and Pastor Luis had been talking with the government to see if they would help donate or discount sacks of cement.

I drafted up a letter with the official request and we (Nieves, Ayantu and little Luis and myself) went to drop it off at the office.  I was surprised to see the president there, and even more surprised when he invited all of us into his office. Of all the days to bring some kids while you’re running errands, I choose this day.  Things were a little rough at first and Antu and Luis were putting their feet and bodies all over the Presidents nice couches, however they calmed down and actually did great.

So, as we sat there, for probably 10 mins or so, we were able to talk about our children’s home, the ministry and some of our needs.  He was aware there was an orphanage in his town, but didn’t know much about it. He was very polite, listened intently, and ended the conversation letting us know that they would help us.

From there we headed over to the DIF and met the new director and her assistant. They too came into office in January.  Having heard a lot about the children’s home, they were excited to finally meet us and told us how much they wanted to help. I must say it was a breath of fresh air, but again I was a little skeptical. As I’ve shared with you before, there are a lot of “words” but not a lot of “action”.  Communication is not good down here and it can be very frustrating. However it appears that this administration is different and they back up their words with actions.  Already they have built a new sanitary dump, repaired roads and built a beautiful new park.  And now, they were committing themselves to coming alongside our children’s home and helping wherever and whenever they can.  Praise The Lord, from the meeting we left with soccer balls for the kids and new playground equipment. Well, not new :”new,” it’s actually from a school that closed down, but, new to us because it’s something we needed and had been praying for!

After this excited day, we had some more visitors from the government, but this time it was the director of police and one of his body guards.  Jackie actually met him when picking up Ayantu and Sandra from school.  He was asking all kinds of questions like who she was, what we were doing here and about the children’s home.  Then, the next day he shows up at the children’s home.  It also happened to be when I wasn’t there.  Now, the way things work in Bachiniva (which some would say is the biggest hub for a drug cartel), is those in authoritative positions have either been placed there by the drug cartel, or simply, submit to their authority.  Some say that the director of police is the cartel leader’s right hand man.

When you hear something like that, and especially when you’re not there, if unnerves you a little.  You don’t want these kind of people on your property and you definitely don’t want to submit to them.  However, they were very interested in the children’s home, wanted to know if we needed help OR if they can bring children to our home if needed.

So, definitely an interesting week full of government and police officials, who fall into the very thing that Paul is talking about in Romans.  Brothers and sisters, be encouraged this day, as I have been, that God is in control and knows every detail or everything that is taking place, past, present AND future.  Just this morning I read this in Job…

“Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, in whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind” (Job 12:9-10).

No matter what you’re going through, what difficulty you might be having understanding the scriptures, wondering how God works, or wanting to rebel against those higher than you, may you rest today.  Know that you are held in your Maker’s Hand!

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The Palms Of His Hands by Jason Sanchez

I had yet another amazing conversation with my little 4 year old, Ayantu Faith.

The other night, I walked into our room just as Jackie and Antu finished reading a story from her  Jesus storybook bible.  As I knelt down by our bed to spend a moment with her, she said “daddy, I want to tell you something…”  I don’t know how many times I’ve heard that line, followed by all kinds of either questions, stories, thoughts, etc.   Little did I know, she was going to move me to tears and a deeper thankfulness for her and our Lord.

Antu continued, “…daddy, my mom and dad left me…”  she paused for a second and looked like she was going to rephrase her words.  I wasn’t quite sure what she was saying, and was ready to respond with, “no we didn’t, we are right here.”  But before I could say something, Antu was talking again, “daddy, my mom and dad left me…and that’s when the police found me and brought me to my nannies at the orphanage.  They took care of me until you and momma came and got me.”

Jackie and I often talk about when the appropriate age would be, to tell Antu her complete story, but apparently she’s got it mostly figured out.  She has talked about her nanny before and how we are in an orphanage just like the one she was in.  In fact, yesterday while we were in the dining hall, she said, “you know dada, this orphanage is different then my orphanage I lived in.”  She then proceeded to point out all the things that were different (as if she really remembers).  However i’ve never heard her talk about how her mom and dad left her.  I didn’t need to hear anything else for the tears to start flowing.  I immediately hugged and squeezed her tight, telling her how much I love her and how thankful I am that she is our daughter!

I think part of the reason I was so emotional was because I can’t believe someone would abandon this precious girl.  How in the world could someone leave a 2 day old baby, naked, alone, on a dusty dirt road.  And then I started thinking of the boys in the other room, who too have experienced abandonment.  All three of them don’t have fathers, Erasmo’s mother forsook he and his siblings and little Luis is truly an orphan, not having any family. I don’t understand it!

Well, actually, I do understand it.  We live in a fallen, broken, sinful, hurting world.  And apart from a relationship with Jesus, people do the craziest things.

Every year, we celebrate and remember the greatest sacrifice and gift the world has ever received.  Around Easter, we spend time remembering Jesus’ brutal death on the cross, the day He took ALL the broken, fallen, sinful, hurts of this world upon Himself to cleanse and change our lives forever.  The day that our Savior remembered all those who have, are, and will be abandoned or neglected, and He engraved us on the palms of His bloody hands!  The day that TRUE LOVE died…that He might be raised again, as we will celebrate and remember every Easter.

“Can a nursing woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb?  Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.  Behold, I have enraged you on the palms of my hands…” (Isaiah 49:15-16).

I pray that the Lord uses this reminder to minister to your heart in a new and fresh way, as you think on our Lord, engraving you on the palms of His hands!

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