Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Isaiah | Dec 3

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” -Isaiah 9:6

These verses from the book of Isaiah are some of the best-known, well-loved verses about the birth of Jesus. If you’ve ever listened to Handel’s “Messiah,” you’re probably familiar with the beautiful, musical rendition of this passage. It is such a grand, poetic Scripture written by one of the best known prophets in the Bible: Isaiah.

Isaiah was man who was used mightily by God. 

Jesus Himself quoted the words of Isaiah many times nearly 700 years after they had been written. God did amazing things through this man—but the Bible tells us this is because Isaiah had a willing heart and made himself available to God and not because of anything special he had to offer in and of himself. 

In Isaiah 6, you can read about Isaiah’s response to God’s call on his life. Isaiah responded to God saying that he was unworthy—a man who was “lost” and who had “unclean lips.” Isaiah did not feel like someone who stood out, but when God asked who might be willing to speak on His behalf to the people of Judah, Isaiah’s response was immediate: “Here I am, send me.”

It was because of this willing heart that Isaiah was able to respond to God’s call on his life. 

It is important to remember, when we hear this familiar passage in Isaiah 9:6, that God gave the words in these verses to a real person: Isaiah. Isaiah heard from God Himself exactly what the Messiah would be like. And Isaiah wrote these words down for the people of Israel and, eventually, for ALL of mankind to read and know our savior, Jesus.

May we, too, have hearts that are humble and willing to step into God’s calling for our lives. It is those who are willing to listen and to obey His call who receive the best gift of all, that is, hearing from God ourselves! Isaiah responded to God’s call on his life, and through his obedience, he received some of the first glimpses into the wonderful Savior that would come: our Prince of Peace.

If you are enjoying this Advent Devotional, you can pick up a copy of the book at our Sunday Services during the month of December or purchase your own keepsake copy of this published book by clicking below. We would also love to have you join us for our Christmas series at Redemption Church on Sunday mornings at 10am! For more information, click the links below.