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“‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’  (which means, God with us).” -Matthew 1:23

God With Us. Our Savior, Creator, Redeemer, and King. Son of God, and Son of Man. Light of the World and Prince of Peace. Messiah, Mighty God, and Ancient of Days. Author and Finisher of our Faith. The Lamb of God. The Holy One of Israel. 


This was the day God’s plan for His Son was finally unfolding. The beginning of a plan set in motion before the foundations of the earth. And His plan for Jesus was also His plan for us: and that is His plan of redemption. God’s plans are always about restoration and hope. His plans are good and purposeful. And though God’s plans are different than our own, His plans are perfect.

The thread that is woven throughout the Christmas story is the same thread that we see woven in and out of our own lives. 

The thread of His ways being good. 

His wisdom and love permeate and hold together the parts of our story that seem not to make sense. There was so much about the birth of Jesus that only in hindsight are we able to look back and see how God was working. But it was all with a purpose. It was all for His glory.

Christmas is a starting point for us to dwell and rest in God’s providence—not only throughout history, but in our own lives, too. His plans are always good. His plan for Christmas, and His plan for you and for me. Be filled with the joy of His coming! Rejoice that He is God With Us. He is with us. 

At Christmas and always.

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