Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Dreams | Dec 13

“But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’” -Matthew 1:20-21

God spoke to Joseph in a dream, in the midst of his struggle and confusion. These verses tell us that it was while Joseph was “considering” all that had happened in his life that God spoke to him. And He did so in a dream.

The circumstances in our lives will not always make sense. Like Joseph, there are many things in life that we just simply cannot understand. It is in these moments that we need to go to God to be reminded of who He says we are, receive His words of comfort, and believe His promises for our future. 

This is what God did for Joseph in his dream.

First, God knew Joseph’s name. What does it mean to you to realize that God KNOWS you? In these verses, God reminded Joseph of his identity as a son of David. He was not ignored or forgotten in the circumstances that surrounded him. We all need to be reminded of this in our lives too—that God knows us by name. We are not forgotten, we are not ignored. God sees and cares about us!

God also addressed Joseph’s fears when told Him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife. When we are confused or troubled, we need God’s words of comfort. Only God fully knows what we need and is able to give us true peace in times of difficulty. Joseph now knew that no matter how difficult his circumstances may have seemed, he could be free from fear knowing God was with Him.

Finally God gave Joseph a promise. This trial, this difficult circumstance would result in a beautiful miracle: Jesus would save His people from their sins! What promises has God spoken in His Word that you need to hear today? God knew what Joseph needed, and God has given us everything we need in His Word to give us hope! It is through His great and precious promises that we are able to live out our lives in faith and hope.

We can never find true peace or understanding in our own efforts. 

Even as Joseph considered everything that had taken place, He needed to hear from God. I pray we always remember to look to Jesus when times of difficulty come. It is God alone who reminds us who we are as His beloved children. It is His Words of comfort that bring us peace and joy in the midst of confusion and trouble. And it is His promises that give us what we need to walk out the path He has set before us. He is good. He is faithful. And He is with us. 

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