As a church we believe we were created to be in community. Before Anchor launched in May last year, we began what we call our 'Gospel Communities'. Weekly we meet together in our home to do 6 things.

LISTEN: to God, each other, our neighbours and our culture.

PRAY: being completely dependant on God to transform us and our city.

PARTICIPATE: in the life of our community.

EAT: together with our family and the lost around us.

SERVE: one another and our community in practical ways to live such extraordinary lives that they demand an explanation.

GOSPEL: one another and the lost. 

Our GC's are the DNA of who Anchor is and we encourage everyone to get plugged in to a family on mission.


Being in community, has been such a great time of realness, rawness, learning together, serving our community, loving and encouraging each other to remind ourselves of who we are in Christ and the consequences of this for daily life. We have been able to encourage each other to daily live lives that demand an explanation.

It has been exciting and encouraging to see what this looks like for us as a family within a community! We are excited to do life with the people God has placed in our GC.

Since launch last May, we have seen God do some amazing things in and through Anchor. God has been blessing the work and we have seen the number of people attending, triple from our launch team to about 150 regulars. For those of you that know Australia, this is amazing!! and we are so grateful to the Lord for bringing people along to be fed and then to go and live out the Gospel in their daily lives.

Because of this growth, Anchor will be putting Bry on to work 1 day a week, overseeing church gathered teams, amongst other things! We are excited to see this happen and are so thankful for the leadership team God has brought together, such a brotherhood of guys that love each other, Jesus and this city!!



For the last 5 weeks we have been doing a series on prayer at Anchor, and it has been so good to be reminded that we GET TO commune with God, all because of Jesus! It has been such a great time of falling in love with prayer all over again and a great reminder that our God is powerful and sovereign. "Our prayers are not an interruption to God's plans, but an instrument in them"

Please continue to pray for us! We covet your prayers and know that they are powerful and effective. Please let us know if there are ways that we can be praying for you too, we would love to do that!


As always, the mission to love the city of Sydney, Australia is a venture of faith for our family. Please consider linking arms with us through prayer and financial contributions. 

ONLINE GIVING This is our preferred method of receiving tax deductible gifts. Please click on the link below and designate the gift to Bryan and Tara Henderson. Through this platform you are able to give reoccurring gift

Support Us

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa/Refuge Huntington Beach: You can either give through your regular contributions by placing a memo with how much you would like to go toward out family or you can write a check with 'the Henderson's' in the memo section and drop it in the offering box, or send it to:

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

3800 South Fairview St

Santa Ana CA 92704


Refuge Huntington Beach
7800 Edinger Ave
Huntington Beach CA 92647

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