Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Shepherds | Dec 6

"And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.” - Luke 2:8

Shepherds in the fields. These were unremarkable men—working in the fields, in close proximity to the one of the most miraculous events in all of history, and they had absolutely no idea. 

The shepherds in the Christmas story are such a fun part of how the birth of Jesus Christ took place. It is impossible to imagine the birth of Jesus without the shepherds. They are so ordinary—literally doing their jobs like any other day. Why in the world did God look out over the region of Galilee, Bethlehem, and all of Israel and settle on a group of shepherds, of all people?

God’s love for these men must have been pretty extraordinary. 

I just imagine the affection God had for them as He looked down and saw their faces as the angels filled the sky above them. We are so familiar with the shepherds’ part in the Christmas story, but you have to remember that they had no idea what was about to happen in their fields on this ordinary night with their sheep grazing nearby.

The shepherds’ faith stands out against the backdrop of all the people we read about in the story of Christmas. They were the only ones who, upon receiving the unexpected and startling news of the birth of Jesus, did not respond with further questions or clarification. They heard the news, and, as we will see in the coming days, they made haste to see what the angels had told them!

We have no idea the glorious things God has prepared for us as we go about our routines and day-to-day lives. May we live our lives in such a way that we are quick to believe and follow Him. And may we respond to Him as the shepherds did: with joy and faith!

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