Redemption Church Delray Beach

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May Newsletter 2022

Dear Redemption family,

As we begin the month of May, we are excited to be starting into our new study through the book of Exodus on Sunday evenings called “God Redeems.” We hope you’re able to make it each week as Pastor Daniel teaches through this book and we learn from the life of Moses and the incredible ways God worked in the children of Israel.

This month, we are also happy to be welcoming the middle school and high school students into our Sunday evening services as we start our new youth group! Our first youth event will be held on Saturday, May 7th from 6pm-9pm. Please join us in praying for the students in our church as they step into this new season.

For the ladies in Redemption Church, Mother’s Day is coming up on Sunday, May 8th, and we have a special message and service prepared to celebrate! Then, on May 13-14th, we will be attending the Flourish Women’s Conference at Coastal Chapel in Lake Worth. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to worship, share, and learn from other Christian women during this special weekend. To register, visit

We look forward to pursuing and proclaiming Jesus with you together this month!

EELeaders | Encouraging & Equipping Church Leaders

Did you know that EELeaders is resource for you here at Redemption Church? EELeaders is a ministry created specifically to encourage and equip church leaders and anyone who is wanting to grow in their gifts and relationship with Jesus. Pastor Daniel has completed 3 seasons of episodes in the EELeaders Podcast where he takes time to interview different pastors and leaders in various ministries and churches to learn from their experience.

For this current season (new episodes are released each Monday) Pastor Daniel is sharing interviews with his dad, Pastor Joe Williams, on the subject of leadership lessons learned from the book of Nehemiah. You can download and listen to these and all previous episodes by visiting and share with anyone you know who might be encouraged by this free resource.

God and Mental Health

We believe that God not only cares about our mental health, but He is our greatest resource when it comes to understanding, healing, and addressing mental health issues. We have been able to partner with Kristan Torres, licensed mental health therapist and church planter, to host various workshops on topics like Anxiety, Suicide, Depression, and others. Listen and share any of these resources by visiting


These live devotionals are short, topical messages released twice a week by Pastor Daniel. Visit our website at to subscribe and share!

Here are the latest Live Devotional Video titles that posted this month to our YouTube page:

Ask God For Help | Psalm 141:3-4

Don't Turn To Politics | Hosea 5:13; 7:10-11; 8:9-10

Speak Encouraging Words | Proverbs 12:25

Don't Be A Fool | Psalm 14:1

Seek True Wealth | Proverbs 8:10-21