Redemption Church Delray Beach

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Easter Focus | Prayer

Every week between now and Easter Sunday, we are focusing on a specific way we can be involved what God wants to do in people's lives this Easter! This week, our focus is PRAYER. Pastor Daniel shared on Sunday morning how vital it is that we all be praying for those we know who do not know Jesus! You can download a prayer card HERE where you can write down the names of a family member, friend, co-worker, neighbors and others who need Jesus. Print out this card and keep it with you or in your Bible to help remind you to be praying that they will come to our Easter service if they live nearby or that God will work in their lives wherever they live so that they will come to Jesus! We would love to have you send us their names by e-mailing and we will add their names to our prayer list. We know that God hears our prayers and we are excited to see how He will work as we pray for people by name!