Our 30 for 30 PRAYER CHALLENGE is an invitation for you to join us praying for 30 minutes per day for the next 30 days! As you have probably noticed, prayer is a constant focus at Redemption Church and is woven throughout every aspect of our church. For the next several weeks, we are excited to have our hearts transformed as we take the next 30 days to dedicate ourselves to consistent, daily time with God AS A CHURCH!
“As it is the business of tailors to make clothes and of cobblers to mend shoes, so it is the business of Christians to pray.”
— Martin Luther”
Through prayer, we fix our eyes on our Creator and Savior. We get to thank Him and praise Him for all He’s done. We are able to share our fears, doubts, and requests with Him. We get to see God move in mighty and powerful ways when we lift up our prayers and requests to Him through PRAYER!
“When we depend upon organizations, we get what organizations can do; when we depend upon education, we get what education can do; when we depend upon man, we get what man can do; but when we depend upon prayer, we get what God can do.”
— A.C. Dixon”
This is why we are doing a SPECIAL SERIES on prayer on Sunday mornings to learn more about how we pray, why we pray, and answering many questions about the great importance of prayer! Click here to listen to our Sunday Prayer Series.
We also have a PRAYER LIST of topics available to download to help guide you as you begin. It is very helpful to plan what you are going to be praying for and prepare for your time with God. Remember, all the prep and planning will not replace us actually taking the time to pray and seek Jesus! So let’s take action and spend time going boldly before God’s throne of grace and mercy together.
“Reading a book about prayer, listening to lectures and talking about it is very good, but it won’t teach you to pray. You get nothing without exercise, without practice. I might listen for a year to a professor of music playing the most beautiful music, but that won’t teach me to play an instrument.”
-Andrew Murray”
View recent #30for30prayer posts on instagram
We would love to have YOU commit to PRAYING 30minutes for 30days with us, and see God work! You can follow our prayer challenge on instagram, facebook, and twitter as well, and share your answered prayers with the hashtag #30for30prayer